3 Prayers for You as You Go Back to School


It’s that time of year again. Going back to school for students and teachers alike seems to always be accompanied by a mixture of excitement, fear, and sheer annoyance. A new school year always seems to bring new experiences, new challenges, and to be honest, everybody gets tired of school at some point. But regardless of what emotions you may be feeling it’s time to start again. We want you to know, though, that in the spirit of Numbers 6:24-25, as you go back to school we’re praying three very specific prayers on your behalf:

We’re praying for your success. “The Lord bless you…” Whatever you do we want you to do it with success. We want you to have success in your classes. Learn all you can learn, do well on your assignments and tests, take advantage of the opportunity to soak in the knowledge of your faculty and staff who love you and want to help you succeed academically. We want you to have success in your activities. Whatever you’re involved in, whether it be on a ballfield, on a court, or in a band room do it well. Win as many games, matches, or competitions as you can. Represent your school and community well. Soak in these precious moments that you’ll later cherish and miss. These are things that you’ll never get to enjoy in the exact same way ever again. We want you to have success in your relationships. Childhood friendships are formative. Treat each other with kindness. Speak to and of each other with kindness. Be the type of friend and classmate that your peers will miss one day. Whatever you do, do it well. We’re praying for your success.

We’re praying for your safety. “The Lord…keep you…” We live in a time when school is not always a safe place to be.  I wish it weren’t this way. I wish kids didn’t have to live in fear of what a deranged individual may do on their worst day. I wish parents didn’t have to live in fear of the phone call or text message letting them know something terrible has happened. I wish administrators and teachers didn’t have to spend time planning for the worst case scenario. But you do. We live in an unstable time with unstable people who are capable of anything. But just know that as you go to school everyday to face the unknown that we’re praying for your safety.

We’re praying for your spiritual well-being. “The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” The greatest challenge you’ll face in school will not be in the classroom or on the ballfield, it will be in the arena of your faith. The devil is hard at work through society and cultural influences to steal your innocence and win you over to the side of evil. You’re going to be tempted to give in to social norms, adapt, and just blend in to look like, act like, and talk like everybody else. Don’t give in. Stand up for your faith, stand out from the backdrop of evil behind you, and stand firm in your resolve to serve God above and beyond anything else. It’s going to be hard; it always has been. But prioritize your faith and your relationship with God. Make it number one. And if you do regardless of what else happens this school year, if you come out of it with your faith intact it will have been a success. We’re praying for your spiritual well-being.

Our prayer for you as you enter a new school year is the same prayer of blessing Moses, his brother, and his nephews prayed over the people of Israel. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-25). Be successful, be safe, but above all be spiritually minded.


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