About Bigger Better Faith

Faith is just something that you get, right? You never have to develop it, it never gets any bigger, or any better? Wrong. Everything the Bible says about faith indicates that it is something that has the potential for growth. This particularly seems true in Luke 17 when the apostles said unto the Lord, “Increase our faith” (vs. 5). In that circumstance Jesus made the point to His disciples that they had adequate faith to do what He had asked them to do, which was to under all circumstances be willing to forgive. But that didn’t mean their faith had no room to grow.

The same it true with us. Regardless of where we are in our journey there is always room for our faith to grow. But how much that faith grows is directly dependent on how willing we are to allow it. So we’re open to growing our faith, but how can we?

Paul said that “belief cometh of hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). If faith is initiated by God’s truth would it not be true that growth in that faith would be initiated by God’s truth as well? I think so. This is the purpose of “Bigger, Better Faith.” This site is dedicated to providing Biblically accurate, thought provoking, and socially relevant content to build up our faith and firmly anchor us in Jesus as the hope of glory.

1 thought on “About Bigger Better Faith”

  1. Website looks great! I do appreciate your thoughts and writings and they do lead to a bigger, better faith. You have a great family and a super talent from God with your writing. Keep it up!


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